Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Footprint Chronicles

Patagonia outdoor-wear company has taken steps to make its products as eco-friendly as possible, from design to material to travel, while still maintaining marketability and quality. Their new advertising/marketing concept shows the consumer exactly what goes into making a few of their products, environmentally speaking - both the good and the bad. See this new campaign at The Footprint Chronicles. If Patagonia is making a goal and only getting part way to having it met, think about how few companies are setting any green goals at all and the impact that is having on our world...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Soy Ink Success!

This made me a little sad and really happy at the same time:

"The National Soy Ink Information Center is now closed. Due to the success of the soy ink industry, we feel there is no longer a need to continue our work promoting soy ink and its acceptance through the National Soy Ink Information Center. In short, the soy ink industry is such a success that you don’t need us anymore!"

Soy Ink, America's Printing Plant